M36=No option is selected, atleast one option is necessary.
M38=Clear L&og
M39=Total Files Renamed
M40=Total Errors
M41=All &Local Drives
M42=Include Sub-directory
M43=Virus found in Memory!!! We recommend you to scan all your hard drives.
M46=Do you want to scan all your local drives now?
M44=Scan &Again
M45=&Buy eScan
M47=For complete protection of your PC from virus attacks in the future, download and install eScan Internet Security Suite with automatic daily updates. Click on "More Info" button to get more information or click on "Buy eScan" to buy eScan now.
M471=For complete protection of your PC from virus attacks in the future, we recommend that you buy our eScan AntiVirus or eScan Internet Security Suite with automatic daily updates. Choose an option below...
M47a=&More Info
M49=Time Elapsed
M50=Virus Database is older than 30-days! We recommend that you download the latest toolkit from http://www.mwti.net or click on "Update" button to update your virus database.
M501=Virus Database is older than 30-days! We recommend that you download the latest toolkit from http://www.mwti.net or buy a license by clicking on "Buy this Product" button.
M502=Virus Database is older than 30-days! Please download the eScan/MailScan Update Downloader for updating your virus database.
M51=Powered by Kaspersky
M51a=Powered by Sophos
M51=Powered by Kaspersky And Sophos
M52=&Add to Startup
M53=R&emove from Startup
M54=Internal Error!!! This could be because of incorrect system date setting or missing *.AVC/*.SET signature files or corrupt *.AVC/*.SET files. Please send MWAV.LOG file to support@mwti.net.
M55=Please reboot to complete the scanning. Do you want to reboot the machine now?
M57a=Remove A&ll
M58=Can't Delete All Item atleast one item should be present!!!
M59=&Set to Default
M60=Total Objects Deleted
M61=Copyright ⌐ 2003-2005, MicroWorld Technologies Inc.
M78=Buy eScan &Internet Security Suite\n(1 year - $58.95)
M79=Buy eScan &Corporate for Windows\n(1 year - 5 user edition)
M1=File %s infected by "%s" Virus! Action Taken: %s.
M1a=File %s tagged as %s. No Action Taken.
M1b=Object "%s" found in File System! Action Taken: %s.
M1c=File %s tagged as "%s". Action Taken: %s.
M1d=Entry "%s" refers to invalid object "%s". Action Taken: %s.
M2=ERROR!!! No Option is selected...
M3=File Infected with "%s" vir2us.
M4=Memory Infected by virus. User requested to scan all local drives
M5=*** File Infected with "%s". Action Taken: File %s ***
M6=*** File "%s" tagged as "%s". No Action Taken ***
M7=Some portions of MWAV.EXE is infected by a virus!!! Will retry self-cleaning. If not successful, you may need to reboot in MSDOS mode, cleanup the system using eScan and then try again...
M8=*** File %s having Size Restriction ***
M9=Scanning %s Drive
M10=Please Wait Exiting Application...
M11=Virus Database Date: %s
M12=Virus Database Count: %u
M13=Generating Virus List... %s
M14=bScanNotClean is FALSE and bScanAndClean is FALSE, so taking default value bScanNotClean
m15=Version %s (%s)
m16=Log File: %s
m17=Command Line Options Given: %s
m18=eScan Install Directory: %s
m19=MailScan Install Directory: %s
m20=AV Library Loaded...
m21=Options Selected by User:
m22=Memory Check: %s
m23=Registry Check: %s
m24=StartUp Folder Check: %s
m25=System Folder Check: %s
m26=System Area Check: %s
m27=Services Check: %s
m28=Drive Check: %s
m29=All Drive Check :%s
m30=Drive Check Option Disabled
m31=Scanning Type: %s
m32=Drive Selected = %s
m33=Folder Check: %s
m34=Folder Selected = %s
m37=S&can && Clean
m38=S&can Only
m39=***** Scanning Memory Files *****
m40=***** Scanning StartUp Folders *****
m41=***** Scanning %s Folder *****
m42=***** Scanning Service Files *****
m43=Scanning %s
m44=***** Scanning System32 Folders *****
m45=Scanning %s Directory
m46=***** Scanning Drive %s *****
m47=***** Scanning All Drives *****
m48=***** Checking for specific ITW Viruses *****
m49=***** Scanning complete. *****
m50=Please Wait... Scanning File
m51=Scanning File %s
m52=Scanning File %s [**]
m53=*** Killing Infected Process %s...
m54=*** Killing Successful.
m55=*** Process still running!!! Trying again to kill %s...
m56=*** Unable to kill process :-( Virus still in memory!
m57=Unable to Move File from %s to %s! Error: %s. File was apparantly deleted in the background.
m58=*** %s has RunningProcess defined as %s (which is infected)!
m59=*** Reg Value %s\%s deleted because it is infected by a Virus
m60=Replacing Registry Value
m61=*** Reg Key %s deleted because ImagePath file infected by a Virus
m62=Invalid File Name %s
m63=Scanning Folder: %s
m64=Support: %s
m65=Web: %s
m66=%s File already Scanned once... not able to clean.
m67=Found %s !!!
m68=Deleting Registry Hive %s.
m69=Regvalue %s Reset. This could be part of a worm!!!
m70=***** Scanning Registry Files *****
m71=***** Scanning INI Files *****
m72=looking for Run
m73=looking for Load
m74=looking for system.ini shell entry
m75=File %s infected and could not be disinfected!!! Aborting...
m76=***** Scanning Important System Files *****
m77=Requesting CancelScan...
m78=Unable to Cancel Scan Successfully!!!
m79=Scanning Cancelled
m80=Scan Cancelled by User
m81=ERROR!!! Unable to delete file %s! Reason: %s. File will be deleted on reboot.
m82=File %s possibly infected with virus %s. Action Taken: Deleted.
m83=Delete of %s failed !!! Unable to remove CodeRed. Reason: %s
m84=File %s related to Opaserv found and deleted
m85=MSLICENF Line in AUTOEXEC.BAT related to Opaserv found and removed
m86=BOOT.EXE Line in AUTOEXEC.BAT related to Opaserv found and removed
m87=File %s related to Opaserv found and deleted
m88=RUN Line in WIN.INI related to Opaserv found and removed
m89=Traces of "%s" found and cleaned !!!
m90=Checking for %s Virus...
m91=Scan Completed.
m92=Process %s found running in Memory...
m92m=Module %s found running in Memory...
m93=Latest Date of files inside MWAV: %s.
m94=Latest Date of files in KL key: %s.
m95=Unable to add to startup !!!
m96=Unable to remove from startup !!!
m97=%s not Scanned. Possibly password protected...
m98=Scanning on %s Timed out!!!
m99=Scanning Operation of %s cancelled by lower layer!!!
m100=Virus Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan or this tool in order to eliminate this virus from your System. Click on BUY THIS PRODUCT button to go to our web-store...
m100CD=Virus Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan in order to eliminate this virus from your System. Click on BUY ESCAN NOW button to go to our web-store...
m100x=Errors Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan or this tool in order to eliminate these errors from your System. Click on BUY THIS PRODUCT button to go to our web-store...
m100CDx=Errors Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan in order to eliminate these errors from your System. Click on BUY ESCAN NOW button to go to our web-store...
m101=Executing ESUPDATE.EXE (%s)...
m102=Last Scan Date and Time: %s
m103=Downloading AntiVirus Databases...
m104=Downloads Successful...
m105=Downloads Not Successful!
m106=Reload of AntiVirus Signatures successfully done.
m107=Reload of AntiVirus Signatures failed! Reason: %s
m108=Are you sure you want to clear the logs?
m109=***** Scanning Registry and File system for Adware/Spyware *****
m110=***** Scanning Registry for errors created because of Adware/Spyware *****
MainFormcaption=License Agreement
PanelHeading=License Agreement
PanelSubHeading=Please read the following important information before continuing.
LblHeading=Please read the following license agreement. You must accept the terms of the agreement before using this tool.